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Mediasaurus is an A-Level media group from London which consists of two hardworking students who wish to demonstrate the research and production that goes into making music video. We will also be designing promotional material for the band as well as the CD cover. Our blog will be updated constanly and daily with posts throughout the academic year to show our progress. You can also follow us on twitter to see more recent updates at: http://twitter.com/TheMediasaurus

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Monday 29 November 2010

Illuminati In Music Videos?

The Illuminati ("The Enlightened")is a name given to several groups, both historical and modern, and both real and fictitious. Founded on May 1, 1776, the purported conspiratorial organization is said to act as a secret "power behind the throne", allegedly controlling world affairs through present day governments and corporations, usually as a modern incarnation or continuation of the Bavarian Illuminati. In this context, the Illuminati are believed to be the masterminds behind events that will lead to the establishment of a New World Order.

The recent surge of interest in the Illuminati means that more people are now paranoid about it than ever before. Thousands of videos on YouTube try to raise awareness of what is going on in the world around us and it has fast become a hot topic in schools and in the work place. Music videos have always been known for displaying the artist's beliefs and ideologies, sometimes political and sometimes not, but what if an artist could use subliminal messages that enter your subconscious thoughts and brainwash you into worshiping what they want you to? The music industries elite, such as Jay-Z, Rihanna, Beyonce, Kanye West and Lady Gaga have all been accused of seeling their souls to the devil in exchange for power and fame, in turn being monarchly programmed to follow orders and to sell music as well as their newly adopted beliefs.

Looking at a couple of  stills from Lady Gaga's music videos, most people would see the covering of her eye as a celebrity trademark or just a reoccurring pose. However, Those who have studied Illuminati symbolism would point out that the All-Seeing Eye is probably the most recognisable symbol within the secret society. The gesture of hiding one eye goes way back in occult orders. Below is an explanation of the origin of the Eye of Horus.

The sun of Osiris and Isis was called Horus, who rules with two eyes. His right eye was white and represented the sun: his left eye was black and represented the moon. According to myth, Horus lost his left eye to his evil brother, Seth, who he fought to avenge Seth’s murder of Osiris. Seth tore the eye but lost the fight. The eye was reassembled by magic, by Thoth, god of writing, the moon and magic. Horus presented his eye to Osiris, who experienced rebirth in the underworld.-Dictionary of the Occult
See for yourself in her video with Beyonce the link it has with the Illuminati. The video, from a believers perspective, is all about mind control. Do you notice Lady Gaga's blank stares into space,as if she has been dissociated from reality and is brainwashed into selling you her message? Or the way everyone dies from the poison Gaga feeds them, suggesting the industries elite are poisoning the masses with toxic media?

Whatever you think or believe, you cannot deny that a music video has a lot of power when it comes to showing people your views and opinions. With well over 94 million views the video has undeniably reached a huge audience. Artists frequently use music videos to give you an insight in their lives, amplify the points they make in their lyrics or to tell the audience a story. Like it or not, their opinions frequently reach us as we are sat at home consciously unaware of the effect it's having upon us. This isn't always necessarily a negative, as videos from Band Aid influence us to give money to charities for people who cannot make a living for themselves.

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